gta Archives

Walter Jonas, Intrapolis, around 1969 (gta Archiv / ETH Zurich)
The gta Archives is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 17.00, but only by prior written appointment. The best way to contact us is via our online request form. Visitors from abroad may be granted special conditions. It is also possible to make research enquiries by letter. In principle our archival materials are only sent out, on loan, for exhibitions. Requests for loans must reach the gta Archives at the latest six months prior to the beginning of the period of lending. Requests by chairs for the use of the archive in context of seminars, exercises and similar projects, we ask to follow our Instruction Sheet for Chairs.
For a list of books, exhibition catalogues and omnibus volumes recently published by the gta Archives on the research projects based on its holdings, please click here. For other, mainly older books, magazine articles, and contributions to anthologies, please check directly the holdings you are interested in.
The use of items on landscape architecture and spatial planning held by the NSL Archive (gta) is subject to special regulations and only possible by appointment. Please register well ahead of your visit by using our online request form.
In January and August the archives and the library are completely closed for stocktaking, and holdings cannot be used at all. Researchers are therefore requested to plan their project schedules accordingly.
Site map gta Archives
Access plan delivery gta Archives
Access plan depot ZLC building, Herrliberg
Schedule of fees gta Archives / NSL Archive
Instruction Sheet for Chairs
Loan Terms and Requirements